March on – Video

We proudly present to you a 2015 highlight: Wakonye Kenwa’s March to End Sachet Alcohol in Gulu

You might be wondering…

  1. What is sachet alcohol? Watch the clip, and Isaac from Wakonye Kenwa will explain all…
  2. Who is Wakonye Kenwa? We are a community organising group launched from our wee church in Lacor, Gulu town. We are the ones making lots of noise.
  3. Why march? Because we wanted to make Gulu Local Government publicly accountable to their promise to us to ban sachet alcohol
  4. Did it work? Yes! The District chairman publicly promised to complete the law before 2016, and the media spread the news far and wide. Our law is almost finished.
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6 Responses to March on – Video

  1. Ryan Jones says:

    So exciting! Great work Tessa 🙂 Praise God. We think of you and Nick often and pray for you. – Elizabeth and Ryan

  2. Rosemary Francis says:

    Great to see you caring for the social justice issues Tessa. You are creating a legacy for the locals as you serve God in Uganda. May you be refreshed and built up as you enjoy your furlough.

  3. Just wonderful to see – and to hear the singing!!! To add to the list of things I was wondering… how did twerking become a worldwide phenomenon?!

    • ntlaing says:

      Hahaha I think Ugandans might have got there first. Butt shaking has long been a part of traditional acholi dancing and it seems to have evolved in ‘interesting’ aways that many acholis don’t approve of…

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