
Welcome to UgandaPanda! We (Tessa and Nick) live in a vibrant semi-urban community in a grass thatched hut in Lacor ‘suburbia’ surrounded by wonderful women who are working really hard to bring up their kids. Being an active part of our community and church is at the core of our being.

Nick is a doctor with a diploma in tropical medicine, and a masters in public health from the University of Cambridge. He has 3 roles. He sees patients at St. Philips health center, manages 9 larger rural health centers for the local Diocese Health Department, and co-founded the social enterprise OneDay health, which launches small sustainable health centers in remote rural areas. There are 21 OneDay health centers up and running, and we hope for more growth

Tessa  is studying towards a PHD in development studies at the University of Cambridge. She works with our local Church St. Catherines to organise the community. She’s part of a small group “Wakonye Kenwa” (The help is amongst us), who are trying to bring about positive, social change in the Lacor community, which includes fighting for better water access, and against the huge alcohol problem. Happy reading!

Grace and Peace, Nick and Tessa

12 Responses to About

  1. Daniel says:

    How do I subscribe to this boss? This seems a little more interesting for morning tea reading than the subscription of Woman’s Weekly on the coffee table.

    • ntlaing says:

      For me when I go to the website a little “follow” thing pops up in the bottom right hand corner. If you click on that you can probably subscribe.

      • Peter says:

        Hi Nick and Tessa,
        I have learnt about you when NZCMS presented on Saturday, the 3rd May 2014, in Our Church, ST. CHADS, Meadowbank, Auckland.

        Anyhow, I’m Peter, living in Auckland. I’m wondering if you may please do me a favour. My brother is studying in a college in Gulu, Uganda. He has hearing problems. And especially to NICK, I’m wondering is there is a way you may please help him to access audiology clinic at Locor Hospital. If yes, I’m willing to call you if you inbox me you contact. And we may discuss it from there. Kia Ora. Peter

  2. Ali/Ensieh says:

    Good luck Nick and Tessa. We found your photos and notes interesting. We wish you all the best.
    Ali & Ensi

  3. Susan Michell says:

    hello Nick and Tessa, I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs and so many of those situations happen here too. i’m in Tanzania, almost your neighbour, and originally from Nelson where the local CMS members give me lots of prayer support. i’ll look forward to hearing more of your adventures and in the meanwhile just be blessed in your work and your life.

    • ntlaing says:

      Thanks so much Susan, thanks so much for letting us know you’ve read some of these posts, we definitely feel blessed. Would be great to hear more about you and what you’re doing too! If you had a web link or even a short blurb we could read that would be amazing:)

  4. Mark O'Leary says:

    Dear team,
    I discovered your project through one of your representatives delivering a most enthralling presentation at Lichfield church last year.
    My sister-who is a teacher in the International School in Kampala, were both fascinated by your mission. We both contribute regularly financially. But I feel implicitly the need to ‘get involved’. So please could you forward any relevant information to markemarc63@virginmedia.com-regarding how I may become involved, possibly doing missionary work in Uganda.
    Yours faithfully
    Mark O’Leary

  5. Miriam Wood says:

    Just saw this shared on Facebook Nick – amazing reading Tessa! Love your thoughts and words. Go well – Miri

  6. These are such great posts. Thanks, Nick and Tessa. Keep up the amazing work you are doing

  7. Judy Ringland-Stewart says:

    Dearest Tessa and Nick, I’ve just found your blog address in a nzcms booklet. I’m delighted to read more about you. I contacted you a while ago to find out about Kenneth and you were so kind and gave me an update. I have told that story a few times to illustrate God’s Grace. Originally I saw the film you made of your life in your village at an nzcms hui. Now I can sign up and will be able to get updates via email. I live beside the Otago Harbour between Port Chalmers and Aramoana and I worship with a small faith family at Holy Trinity. I’ve just begun an enormous project planting out a 6acre area replacing our recently logged pine plantation with natives. I’ve asked God to bless it. It seems such an impossible task. I was in my 20’s when we planted the pines 43years ago to conquer the gorse. So far God has provided 1000 manuka seedlings which my darling son-in-law swopped for a print, he is a great print-maker, and my equally darling eldest son has a light work load this semmester and together we are planting them. We have never worked easily together but so far it’s been marvellous. I’m very excited to think I can read more about you. Lots of love Judy

    • ntlaing says:

      Hey thanks so much Judy for the reply and encouragement! I studied at Otago, but never visited that particular church. Great project with the planting, and good to hear that you are working well with your son. We’re friends with a guy Kev Platt who has done a couple of big projects planting native bush. He’s still working on one near the Waiau river in Hamner where he plants black beech, manuka and other natives on the bank of the river there. Sounds wonderful.

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